Well another year has flown past and in the financial world there has been plenty to keep us and our clients occupied; the US/China tariff saga, Brexit, slow growth, extremely low interest rates, elections, etc.
In addition, the ongoing fallout from the appalling behavior uncovered in the Royal Commission by most of the large financial institutions in Australia, seems to be the present that just keeps on giving, unfortunately!
We know at times it can be hard to maintain your focus when the press keep harping on about various issues (and some rightfully so), but I’d like to say thank you as you continue to keep your heads down and concentrate with us on the things that you can control, i.e. spending, saving, debt management, other effective strategies, etc.
It will probably surprise most to hear that despite all the doom and gloom that the media tends to focus on, returns for 2019 look like being very nice if you hold a diversified portfolio, which most of our clients do.
We don’t shy away from the fact that there are issues “out there”, be it low interest rates, fairly fully valued stock markets or low growth, but at the same time we don’t jump at shadows when it is the long term return that is the most significant factor in determining your wealth.
We are blessed to work with lovely clients who continually take an interest in what we do, how we and our families are, and the various ups and downs we all experience. It was really appreciated that so many of you made contact to ask how we were all holding up with the recent fires. Unfortunately they have now spread to other areas of the country and we hope you are all safe and well over the Summer.
I am sure 2020 will bring more “dramas”, some which will be real and many which will be a media beat up. Rest assured we will be here to help you decipher which is which and do our best to help you where we can, because that is what we believe our role of being your financial adviser means.
Lastly before I sign off, on behalf of Warrick and I, I’d just like to publicly thank our wonderful staff who continually go above and beyond in the service they provide our clients. It is so evident that what they do is so much more than a job to them and we know this is why you love them all so much……as do we. Thank you ladies.
Wishing you and yours all the best for Christmas and the New Year. Stay safe, enjoy your break if you get one and we look forward to seeing you all next year.