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COMPASS is going MAD

Many of you will remember the COMPASS family was touched by the devastation caused by the March floods through the area. As a business owner I was really proud of the way the staff rolled up their sleeves and got stuck into helping.

We contributed in many ways, but that’s not the point, thousands of others did likewise……….what did shine through though, was the unanimous desire by all in the office to continue helping our local community in some way. Yes many of us already volunteer or “give” in some way or another, but as a team we wanted COMPASS to stand for something in the local community.

It’s taken us a little while to get organized and choose what we’re going to do, but from January I’m proud to say the COMPASS team will be volunteering every Tuesday afternoon with the MAD van (Make a Difference) and providing something to eat and drink for those who need it, to hopefully make life a little easier.

The whole team is right behind this and I think they are actually really looking forward to it.

For those of you who are interested in knowing a bit more about MAD you can take a look at their website ( They are a small, local organization doing great things and if you have an inclination to help out, I know they would love to hear from you.


Ps; I know you could say many of the team have been 'mad' for quite a while, so it seems very fitting that this is the charity we end up supporting😊

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