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COMPASS points of interest & great quotes

Writer's picture: COMPASSCOMPASS


Our next client seminar will be on Wednesday, 15 November at The Westport Club, 25 Buller Street, Port Macquarie, at 11.45 am for a 12 noon start. A light meal and refreshments will be provided. Add this date to your diaries now.

Points of interest (about Australia)!

Rum was the main currency in the early days of settlement, used to pay military officers in lieu of money and prisoners for menial labour. Trouble arose when the newly nicknamed Rum Corps tightened control of the booze and thus control over swathes of land, supplies, and labour.

The humble platypus has venom strong enough to kill a small dog. The poison is delivered via small spurs on their back legs. In one case report, a 57-year-old man who grabbed one of the small mammals while fishing said the pain was “so bad I started to become incoherent”.

Great quotes

“A mistake is simply another way of doing things.” Katharine Graham

“Use your smile to change the world; don’t let the world change your smile.” Anonymous

“You can do anything, but not everything.” David Allen

“The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn’t being said.” Peter Drucker

"Be strong enough to stand alone, smart enough to know when you need help and brave enough to ask for it." Zaid K Abdelnour

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